Friday, October 02, 2009


Like any normal apartment our front door is always locked and you need to get buzzed in if you're a guest. Normally you'd use the thing on the wall to call me and then I'd buzz you inc but since I don't have a landline here and my cell phone isn't a 773 number I can't do anything. People have to call me on my cellphone and then I have to go let them in. But then I remembered Google Voice and decided I'd just get a 773 number from them and use that! I was really proud of myself for thinking of it but was saddened when I learned that Google was still trickling out invites for it. I signed up to receive an invite anyway and had pretty much forgotten about it.

So then when the Google Wave invites came around I kept looking at my phone for an e-mail from Google. Then yesterday I get one while I'm riding an extremely packed bus on the way to my sister's place. I about freak. "You have been sent an invitation to..." I open the e-mail. "...Google Voice!". Fuckbags. I'm happy and all that I can finally let people into my place like a normal person but really Google? Your timing is shit.

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