Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The last few days have been a whirlwind. Halloween was fun. Mario and Luigi were a hit at the party. There is one incredible picture that was taken that I will post on Facebook as soon as Dave uploads it to his Flickr account. The wait is worth it.

I pulled an all-nighter on Monday to prepare for my test Tuesday. Work and class gave me zero time to really study and a 6am-3pm shift on Tuesday gave me no choice but to stay up. I looked at my test review and it was essentially "know every single thing we have talked about in class so far" so that was a great start. I held off on coffee until just before my test and it did wonders. I was wired by the time I was handed the test and did really well. Of course it comes down to how it's graded but I never had to bullshit through a question. I might not have remembered every single market failure that information provision addresses but I recalled most of them. And I didn't stop writing for about 2+ hours so I'm feeling pretty good about it. So now I'm in a really good mood today (no work for two days + bad movie night + THE FUCKING MOUNTAIN GOATS TOMORROW) and have a really good feeling about the rest of the semester.

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