Saturday, January 16, 2010

The new semester starts in a few days and a small part of me is excited to be very busy again. When my schedule is very open like it has been for the past month my sleep schedule begins to get worse and worse. So now I don't get tired until 3:00am and don't wake up until 11:00am. It's not a big deal at this moment but I'm going to get my ass kicked come next week. My Wednesday is already looking fantastic. I work from 12-6 and then go straight to class until 9:30. Then I get home at about 10:00 and make myself some dinner before getting up at 3:30am to be in at work by 5:00. It's going to ruin me but it'll likely be the only thing that gets my sleep schedule under control. I thought my 6-3 shift yesterday was going to help move things along but I got so tired later in the day that I napped from 5-8pm and so I didn't get to sleep until 3 like usual. I guess I'll actually have to use my coffee maker in the near future.

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