Sunday, September 27, 2009


Living in the city has changed my life in a ton of little ways. I anticipated some of these changes but the ones that have come with never using a car were a surprise. I got word the other week that my parents had sold my car to one of our neighbors. Chicago has a great public transportation system so I really didn't need it but I think it's still going to be strange going back home and seeing it down the block. I've since gotten used to not riding in cars. I can even nap on the train and still wake up just before my school's stop.

But riding in a car has now become a novelty. I get a little giddy on the inside just at the thought of riding in this "car" to the point to where my mind was about blown away with excitement when I rode in one twice in the same week. It was strange trying to figure out what streets we were taking. When you're on a giant accordion bus you generally don't care about the other cars on the road or how you're actually getting to your destination. You really only pay attention to the ominous CTA voice that says what stop you're approaching. My mind felt like it was experiencing a sensation overload when I got in the car. I realized I had no idea how to give people directions to my place without having them just take my usual bus route. The whole experience was just startlingly strange and I still spend part of my day looking at a map of the city so I can figure out where the hell all the major streets are. So when I come home for Christmas, don't be alarmed when I get in the car and stay quiet for a little bit. I'll just be readjusting.


  1. Accordian buses scare me. Don't forget how to drive like I did after studying abroad. I don't think I'll bring a car to my next city either, but I like the idea of being able to go on a road trip, you know? IDK.


  2. Now there is a comment so you CAN call it a comment, loser!

  3. Nono I mean that when I went to name what comments would be called I tried "comments" and it won't let me. Fucking blogger.

    But tyvm for the not-comment!
