I recently moved from Memphis to Chicago to pursue a Master's in Public Policy from Loyola. I'm living by myself in Lakeview and trying my best to make ends meet working at a local Banana Republic. I was interning for a campaign for Lieutenant Governor but that seems to be a little up in the air at the moment. I miss things like meals that don't come out of the microwave, a dishwasher, little-to-no financial obligations, working out, and even my friends and family back home. But my sister and brother-in-law do their best to make me feel welcome by letting me piggyback to their social functions. Everyone at work is really cool and all the other students in my program are great so I don't dread spending most of my time at one of the two.
I used to have a LiveJournal but that thing was pretty shitty. I usually just updated it with some smorgasbord post every few months that was about as disjointed as the previous paragraph. I'm going to try to keep the posts here more topical and coherent so you don't stop visiting after two more posts like this one. I can't make any promises about frequency because I don't usually know my upcoming week's schedule until Friday morning. I'll try my best to be consistent.
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